About Me
I am a recent PhD graduate from Nanda Lab,
University of Ottawa under the supervision of Prof. Lionel Briand.
My main research interests include all stages of system engineering for complex AI-enabled systems
including robots, autonomous vehicles, and cyberphysical systems. This encompasses system design and modeling,
requirements engineering, quality assurance, testing, validation, and runtime monitoring.
During my PhD, I have developed novel methods for automated simulation-driven testing and monitoring.
These methods leverage a variety of metaheuristics and machine learning techniques,
and have been successfully applied to real-world systems in autonomous driving and aviation.
My research focuses on making robots and cyberphysical systems safer. Specifically, I am interested in Machine Learning (ML) components and how they impact the safety of the system. To that end, I have developed an effective and efficient tool to identify the hazard boundary of ML components via scalable parallel simulations. Furthermore, I have developed methods and tools to monitor the ML component during its operation at runtime. My research is supported by NSERC Canada Research Chairs program, Auxon Corporation, Mitacs and Ontario Graduate Scholarship.
Runtime Safety Monitoring of Learned Components
- In this project, I developed safety monitors for learned components, using state-of-the-art DL-based probabilistic forecasting models. I have also performed extensive empirical evalaution in terms of prediction accuracy and runtime performance.
Hazard Boundary Identification of ML-enabled Autonomous Systems
- In this project we proposed MLCSHE, a cooperative coevolution algorithm with a probabilistic fitness function to identify the hazard boundary of a machine learning component which is embedded in an atuonomous system. MLCSHE uses the actual system and scalable parallel simulations to identify the hazard boundary.
Specification and analysis of legal contracts with Symboleo
Alireza Parvizimosaed, Sepehr Sharifi, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo, Marco Roveri, Aidin Rasti, Ali Roudak, John Mylopoulos
Journal of Software and System Modeling, 21, 2395–2427, 2022
Symboleo: Towards a specification language for legal contracts
Sepehr Sharifi, Alireza Parvizimosaed, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo, John Mylopoulos
28th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 2020
Subcontracting, assignment, and substitution for legal contracts in Symboleo
Alireza Parvizimosaed, Sepehr Sharifi, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo, John Mylopoulos
39th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 2020
Social Dependence Relationships in Requirements Engineering
John Mylopoulos, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo, Alireza Parvizimosaed, Sepehr Sharifi
13th International i* Workshop, 2020
Goal Modeling for FinTech Certification
Sepehr Sharifi, Patrick McLaughlin, Daniel Amyot, John Mylopoulos
13th International i* Workshop, 2020